Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tangible, by Jody Wallace

The lovely and talented Jody Wallace has a new book out, Tangible. The cover is awesome, and the blurb sounds intriguing, too. You can buy it here.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Chuckatuck, Virginia

I went out for a drive with my dad today (he can no longer see to read or watch much television, but he can see well enough to admire the countryside), and we explored the far reaches of Suffolk, VA, where I live. As I've said before, Suffolk was once Nansemond County, a huge stretch of farmland studded with small towns. The small towns still exist as "communities" within Suffolk (and there's still plenty of farmland to be seen, too!).

In the Dominance series, I placed Gabe's home in "the sticks outside of Smithfield," but we were quite near to that area today (though Smithfield is in Isle of Wight county, just outside of Suffolk), and we came across a couple of small towns I wish I'd used as his home town. The first was Sandy Bottom (I love that-- I'll have to use that in some later book!) and the second was Chuckatuck. Its name derives from an Indian word, as many odd-sounding Virginia towns and rivers do, and it was the home town of Charlie Byrd, the jazz guitarist.

Despite being part of a moderate-sized city and a large metropolitan area (Hampton Roads), Chuckatuck still retains its small-town character. I thought "fish fry" sounded very small Southern town-like (the blurs aren't on the sign, but from dog noseprints on the window, which I didn't think to roll down-- clearly Windex is needed in a big way):

We have a large and modern library in our area of Suffolk, so I was a bit surprised to see this as I drove through:
Clearly the library has been there a long, long time, but it's not quite as outdated as it appears:

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Gambit, finally up on Amazon

Gambit is finally up on Amazon, here.

Gambit and personal stuff

I'm waiting on Amazon, which still has Gambit "in review." It will likely be up later today. I just put it up on the new Nook Press-- the first book I've put up on B&N without using PubIt-- and have no idea if it will actually go through or not. I've heard mixed reviews about Nook Press. We shall see:-).

 In more personal news, my dad fell out of his wheelchair two days ago and scraped his arm rather badly (fortunately he didn't break anything), necessitating an emergency trip to the doctor. Yesterday he was nauseated, whether as a result of all this or from a bug I don't know. He seems better today, back to his regular annoying self *grins*. So hopefully I can get back to working on Getting It Up.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Gambit is up!

Between my formatter (daughter)'s exams, her moving out of her dorm room, and her sprained foot, it took a long time for her to get the formatting on this one done, and for that I apologize. But it's finally up on ARe and Smashwords, and should be available on Amazon sometime tomorrow. Thanks for your patience! Links are below.

"Gambit (The Billionaire's Pawn, #2)" by Meg Harris on Ganxy
Thanks to CarolCover'sDesigns for the great cover!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Still waiting

I gather from my last conversation with Formatter Girl that she's on her way home from college for Mother's Day weekend. It's a long drive, so the book won't be available till at least this evening. Still, it'll be nice to have her home:-).

Waiting on formatting

Gambit did not get done yesterday; the formatter (aka my daughter) is right in the middle of exams, and I'm guessing she just didn't have time. Hopefully it'll be up today or tomorrow.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sending Gambit to be formatted today

With any luck it'll be up on ARe today or tomorrow, and everywhere else soonish. Once again I thank you all for your patience, and I will endeavor to have the next in the series up a whole lot faster! Here's the blurb:

"Gambit (The Billionaire's Pawn, #2)" by Meg Harris on Ganxy

Monday, May 6, 2013

Finishing up Gambit

You guys have been most patient, and I appreciate it. I finally have this one done, and I'll be polishing it up over the next few days. I like how it turned out-- I've discovered a new appreciation for alpha males lately. Griffin is an ass, but he's a sexy ass:-).

Thursday, May 2, 2013

My sale ends today

Today is the last day for the Daylily Publishing sale.

Also, after tomorrow Supplicant will no longer be a freebie, so grab it for free while you still can!