I got a nice comment on my newsletter today, asking me (in the absolute politest possible terms!) where the heck Gambit was. A very reasonable question. I wanted to have Illumination, Innocent, and Gambit all out by the end of this month, but unless I suddenly develop magic speed-typing powers, I think I have to admit that's not gonna happen.
As I've mentioned, my dad moved in with me recently. (He turned 96 Saturday, woot!) He's doing great, and really loves it here, but the issue this month has been that I've been dealing with selling his house. We wound up with two offers from house flippers (it's a 55-year-old house that has never been renovated, so it's going to need a ton of work), and after a good deal of haggling, we sold it. The closing will be at the end of the month.
Now I'm trying to line up a storage place for some of the stuff and move the rest of it over here-- which has involved multiple trips to his house (an hour and a half round trip) to wrap up my great-grandmom's Haviland china and other pretties, to move what pieces of furniture my teenaged daughter and I can manage, and to generally sort through 55 years' worth of stuff, some of which is treasured family memobilia and some of which is junk. Meanwhile, I'm rearranging my own house to make room for all this stuff (I have to somehow cram my mother's upright piano into my dining room, which is going to take some doing!), and I also had the handyman in for three days widening some doors to make the place more handicapped accessible.
In short, it's been a wildly busy month. I apologize most sincerely to those of you who are waiting for my series to get updated-- I know it sucks to be waiting for something and have the author drag her feet getting it out. I am really trying to carve out some writing time, but this month has been a complete disaster as far as writing goes. Here are the dates I'm aiming at right now:
Innocent, February 28
Illumination, March 15
Gambit, March 30
I will try to ease the sting of this delay by putting up excerpts as I get them ready. Check back here for links. And in the meantime, I apologize again, most profusely, and thank you for your patience and your kind emails.
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