In my Dominance series, Stephen Dominick is a thirty-year-old billionaire, and of course it goes without saying that he's hot as hell. In Romancelandia, of course, there are gazillions of young, single, handsome billionaires brooding in their offices, just moping behind their desks while they wait for that special guy or gal to wander in and heal their emotional scars with a sweet smile and a few hot sexual encounters. In real life... yeahhhhh, not so much. It's no wonder most of us never stumble across these hot hunky billionaires, because there aren't actually that many of them. According to this Forbes article, there are only a few more than 1400 billionaires in the entire world, and a mere five of those are thirty or younger. Only twenty-three are forty or under, and only nine of those twenty-three are in the United States.
So your chances of running into a youthful, sensual, dominating billionaire who wants to bend you over the desk and have his wicked way with you when you apply for your next job? In Romancelandia, about one in ten (and maybe even better than that if you're sweet, innocent and a little on the clumsy side). In the real world... well, you probably have a much better chance of winning the lottery or of being struck by lightning. Thank God for romance novels!
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